Συνέδρια 2010
- 27-30 Apr 2010
Malaga, SPAIN. IV International Symposium on Karst. Organised by Centre of Hydrogeology, University of Malaga.
INFO: Email: aimarin@uma.es Web: http://www.cehiuma.uma.es
- 24-26 Mar 2010
Agadir, MOROCCO. Integrated Water Resources Management and Challenges of the Sustainable Development. Organised by IAH Moroccan Chapter.
INFO: Email: lbouchaou@yahoo.fr Web: http://www.fsa.ac.ma/gire3d
- 12-17 Sep 2010
Kracow, POLAND. Groundwater Quality Sustainability. 38th IAH Congress. Organised by IAH Poland NC.
INFO: Email: office@iah2010.org Web: http://www.iah2010.org
- 18-22 Oct 2010
Adana, TURKEY. Seventh International Symposium on the Geology of the Eastern Mediterranean. Organised by Cukurova University.
INFO: Email: jeosempozyum@cu.edu.tr Web: http://www.geology.cu.edu.tr/ISEMG2010
- Summit on the Millennium Development Goals
(UN Headquarters, 20 – 22 September 2010)
- UN General Assembly - 64th Session - Plenary Meetings and Events
(UN Headquarters, 15 September 2009 – 14 September 2010)
Economic and Social Council, Substantive Session 2010
(UN Headquarters , 28 June – 23 July 2010)