The French Presidency of the Council of Europe for the first semester of 2022

Amphitheatre of the Athens Chamber of Crafts - Akadimias 18, 10671 Athens
Friday 15/4: 19.00-21.00 | Saturday 16/4: 10.00-14.00

Since its creation and for more than two decades, the European Organisation for Strategic Planning has consistently served the dialogue on all major European issues, in the context of a continuous effort to disseminate and consolidate our common European principles and values.

Naturally, for this semester, the French Presidency of the European Union is the focus of our research interest. France, the country that is geographically, historically and intellectually the heart of Europe, is also coincidentally at the head of the Union at one of the most critical historical moments since the founding of the EU. While we are hopefully on the threshold of emerging from the global health crisis that is leaving a strong imprint on almost all sectors of European societies, we are also experiencing the horrors of war just a few kilometres from the EU's borders and within the geographical area of our continent.

Despite this particular circumstance, the agenda set by the French Republic when it formally assumed the Presidency of the EU in January was, from the outset, one of the most comprehensive, bold and bold political plans for the future of our Union. Environmental/energy, social/labour/tourism, defence and security issues, the functioning of democracy and institutions, the strengthening of the EU's production and trade power, as well as crisis response mechanisms have been set as urgent priorities of the French Presidency, opening the framework for dialogue on the most essential issues that the EU is called upon to address in the present and in the future.

At the same time, the French Presidency is taking place at one of the warmest conjunctures of cooperation and trust at the bilateral level with our country.

For all these important issues, but also for the historical particularities and quests of our time, the EOSS is organising a two-day conference in Athens to discuss the priorities of the French Presidency in the current six months and the future of Europe as a whole after the current situation.


Download the conference invitation in pdf format here

Event Information

Event Date 15-04-2022 7:00 pm
Event End Date 16-04-2022 2:00 pm